Baptism, Chrismation and Communion are the most important sacraments of the Church. The  Armenian Church's Liturgy of Baptism  comprises all three of these sacraments together with certain related rituals, which complete the sacred rite of Christian initiation.

The word "baptism" is derived from a Greek word which means "washing by entering the water." The word "christening" means "to become or to make someone a Christian." "Christmation" means "anointing with Chrism", i.e. with holy oil or Miuron. The Armenian word for baptism is Mkrtel, Mkrtut'iun. The word k'nunk is also in common use, meaning "sealing" (with Miuron).

Through baptism, original sin is forgiven and a person enters the Church as a member of the Body of Christ. Thus he takes upon himself the obligations as well as the privileges of membership in the Church of Christ. He is personally committed to the Christian cause as a citizen in the Kingdom of God, where a new status is conferred on him.

Chrismation is the sacramental sealing of the newly baptized with the Holy Spirit after baptism. The sacrament more deeply incorporates the newly baptized into the Church's life. Through the Holy Spirit, the new Christian is assured of the Holy Spirit's gifts. It is the personal Pentecost of each Christian.

Holy Communion is the reception of the Jesus Christ's body and blood, as Christ instructed (Mt. 26:26-28). The Holy Spirit Changes the gifts of bread and wine into the Lord's body and blood. It nourishes and sustains the spiritual life of Christians.

The Liturgy of Baptism is a public and not  private service. Through baptism a person is initiated and welcomed into the fellowship of the community of the faithful. An infant is not conscious of what takes place at his christening. Yet, as in all the other aspects of his youth, his parents take upon themselves the responsibility of bringing up their child in a way  they believe is best for him/her. They make a solemn commitment to raise their child in the Christian faith of their fathers. The parents and the Godfather declare the infant's faith on his behalf and the congregation stands as  witness.

A child brought to baptism receives all the three sacraments necessary for salvation and becomes a full Christian through one continuous sacred act.


                        THE ORDER OF THE SERVICE


·      The Lord's Prayer

·      Psalm51

·      Blessing of the Baptismal Braid (Narot)

·      Renouncement of Satan

·      confession of the Faith - The Apostolic (Nicene) Creed

·      Entrance into the Church


·      Hymn of the Holy Spirit-Arekagn Artarootian

·      Prayer over the Holy Oil

·       Epistle reading-Galatians 3:23-29

·       Gospel Reading - John 3: 1-8

·       Blessing of the Water

·       Prayer of Baptism

·      Immersion into the Water


·      Hymn of the Holy Spirit - Aghpiur Genats

·       Prayer of Chrismation

·       Anointing


·       Adoration at the Altar

·       Administration of Holy Communion

·      Blessing of dismissal

·      The Lord's Prayer